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Former Foster Care Youth came Home for the Holidays

Thank you for your generosity during our annual Home for the Holidays events. The former foster youth we serve shared just how much it means to have been so celebrated this Holiday Season. There were many tears, some from disbelief that we will NEVER forget them; and some from sheer relief that there would be gifts under the tree this year for their little ones.

We estimate that takes over 1,000 people each year to host our Home for the Holidays events. Every young adult we serve and every little one receives special gifts just for them, easing the hurt in their hearts from many holidays past and helping them to know that they belong. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

About Home for the Holidays:

At RFL, years ago we asked a group of the former foster youth we serve:  Is there something you know now that you wish you knew before aging out of the foster care system? Becky replied: "I wish I knew what it would feel like to spend the holidays alone. When you are in foster care, someone has to take you. When you get out, no one does." 


This is why our Home for the Holidays program was created. The young adults we serve call us their Ready for Life Family – and that includes you! Thank you for your help! Youth age out of the foster care system and are on their own, often all alone. The daunting challenge of adulting is difficult even for those who have family support; those whom we serve often have no one by their side. By remembering those we serve with a special stocking stuffed with gift cards and goodies selected just for them, we are able to help them with what they want most in the world: a sense that they belong.


We celebrate each young adult just like other families celebrate one another, and we help to fill in that gaping holes in their hearts that can become even bigger during the Holidays. With over one hundred young adults and little ones to serve, we can only do this with your help. Thank you for your support!


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