Former Foster Care Youth Accomplishes a Long-Term Goal
By Elizabeth

At the age of 17 I was forced to drop out of high school. I had moved around way too much in foster care, I didn’t have enough credits to even consider myself a Freshman, even though I was technically a Junior. At the time I tried to do GED, but I didn’t have the resources to maintain a stable living environment. I ended up dropping out of GED and working. My life became way too stressful and my anxiety didn’t help make it any better. So, I ended up quitting my job. At that moment in my life, I was ready to give up on everything. I was so mentally and physically exhausted and highly stressed. Sadly, there came a point where I honestly just wanted to die.
At one of the most important times in my life, Ready for life had reached out to me. I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason. People come into your life right when you need them most. And with RFL, it was at a very critical moment. They suggested to me to come visit RFL office and meet the Staff. They also mentioned how they have their own GED program. So, I took their advice and did!
After visiting with them, I started attending GED classes and tutoring right away! I was excited to finish my High School level education, but I let myself go on and off for almost a year. After realizing how important my GED is, I told myself I would go more consistently and finish it! In November of 2018, that’s what I did. I’m happy to say that I finally acquired my GED in February of this year! All of the staff showed their love and support throughout the whole process and I really am proud of this accomplishment in my life. I will be walking the stage in September of 2019 and I now plan on furthering my education and starting College in August of 2019.
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