Ready for Life's Annual

December 16-18, 2024 @ the RFL Skill Center
Letting former foster care youth know they belong
"I wish I knew what it would feel like to spend the holidays alone. When you are in foster care, someone has to take you. When you get out, no one does."
Becky, a former foster care youth at Ready for Life
This powerful insight inspired Ready for Life's Home for the Holidays Family Tradition. When young adults age out of the foster care system, they often face the challenges of adulthood completely alone. While this transition is difficult even with family support, those served by Ready for Life typically have no one by their side.
That's where Ready for Life comes in – and that includes you! Through the Home for the Holidays program, we celebrate each young adult just as families celebrate their own. We fill specially prepared stockings with gift cards and personalized gifts, offering what these young adults want most: a sense of belonging. These thoughtful gifts help fill the void in their hearts that often feels deeper during the holiday season.
With over one hundred young adults and children to serve, Ready for Life can only make this program successful with your support. Thank you for helping create a true family experience for those who need it most.

Home for the Holidays Past
Merry & Bright!